Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tips for Beauty

1) Cold water bath is useful in tightening the skin and resist wrinkles and lead to remove the congestion of the blood in the head and lifting the nerves and veins.

2) Garlic smell affect the mouth and affect the smell of breath, but it helps to stimulate the body there is no objection from it, and you can remove the smell by drinking a tablespoon of honey after eating garlic, half an hour until the smell go away or ingesting the green mint leaves or parsley.

3) To get rid of obesity: the most expensive amount of water, then Soak a bit of latency with cut lemons workshops, leave all night and drink it in the morning before eating.

4) Beware of high heels while he gives you the elegance that only affects the spinal cord, this means refraining from wearing shoes with high heels and not the maximum height of 3 cm heel to give you the agility to walk with maintaining a healthy body and harmony of its parts.

5) Apples are very beneficial to maintain the beauty of the skin as it helps to maintain body weight without an increase.

6) To reduce weight, Drink a spoon of honey in the morning then eat after a cup of tea.

7) Orange fruits important to remove the fat and advised by doctors that the owners of body fat.

8) To strengthen the hair integrates the amount of honey and the amount of olive oil and then heated, Massaging the hair and then wash the hair after a little period and repeat this process once a month, strengthens the hair and be more solid.
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